Category Archives: Data

Best Practices for In-Store Data Collection: Balancing Efficiency, Privacy, and Data Retention

Effective customer communication is crucial for retention and growth, and it begins with the collection of contact information at the time of purchase. Online purchases are more conducive to gathering customer names, mailing and email addresses because this information is … Continue reading

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What is a New Customer? Are we talking about the same thing?

The number of new customers is a popular KPI request of a database provider. Believe it or not, there is more than one way to answer the question and key factors that can impact measurement. 1. Determining Original Purchase The … Continue reading

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Email Database Check List

Looking for an easy way to make more money from your existing buyer file?  Expand your marketable universe of email addresses.  Now is the time to make sure you haven’t missed an opportunity to communicate through this budget friendly and … Continue reading

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Improve Customer Retention by Targeting Segments in Motion

The ever popular and highly predictive “RFM” metric provides a static point in time view of your customers by their purchase total and number of months since last purchase to date.  In general, more recent customers with higher dollars and … Continue reading

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Florida Court Issues Opinion on ‘Time’ vs ‘Proof’ of Death

Please see below for an article recapping the Florida First District Court of appeals’ August 5th 2014 opinion in regard to Thrivent Financial for Lutherans v. State of Florida, Department of Financial Services (DFS).  In short, the court disagreed with … Continue reading

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Making Sense of the GAO Reports on Gaps & Errors in the SSA Death Master File

There have been many recent developments impacting the insurance industry.  This discussion covers the following: May 3rd 2013 GAO audit report identifying gaps in the SSA DMF and Verus Financial’s comments on same. May 8th 2013 GAO testimony addressing the … Continue reading

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FTC Orders Data Brokers to Disclose Information The link above will take you to an interesting article that may impact insurer’s evaluation of the reliability of ‘deceased databases’ beyond the Social Security Administration Death Master File (SSA DMF).   At times, we have been surprised to hear an insurer … Continue reading

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Five Things to Consider when Deciding Whether to Outsource SSA DMF Processing

Every company has its core competencies and most likely if you are an insurance company, your expertise has something to do with insurance and not necessarily data processing.  Having said that, many organizations will consider performing Death Master Processing for … Continue reading

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5 steps Insurance Companies Need to Take Now for Death Matching Compliance

With recent state mandates and audits on the rise, the following steps will help insurance companies who want to ensure compliance with these newly passed death matching requirements. Assign an Internal Champion and Get Informed: Each company needs a dedicated … Continue reading

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Quick Tips and techniques when using Email Append

With rising costs and being “green” on everyone’s mind, many have increased their budgetary focus on email marketing as a way of contacting and cultivating their customers.  However, not all customer email addresses are gathered at point of sale.  Email … Continue reading

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