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Dave Love is the Executive Vice President and Chief Security Officer. In this role, Dave is responsible for Applications Development, I.T., Data Center Operations, Accounting, Data Processing Production and the overall security of Cross Country Computer, its data, people and facility. Dave joined Cross Country Computer (CCC) in 2000 and possesses over thrity years of management experience in the field of Database Management and Direct Marketing. Dave was previously employed by MBS Multimode Inc. for over fifteen years where he worked his way up from a highly technical Production Programmer position to Director of Operations in charge of all production output and systems. Upon joining CCC, Dave was able to draw upon his wealth of experience to implement many significant contributions leading to operational efficiencies, including implementing an automated file management system, migration from the mainframe to PC platform, as well as instituting a series of tools and procedures designed to provide state of the art services to clients across a wide breadth of industries. Dave continues to be a "hands on" manager and often assists with custom data hygiene challenges and research. Dave has received military security clearance in order to service Cross Country Computer’s engagements with applicable clients. He stays abreast of the latest industry tools and techniques and ensures that CCC maintains its status and focus on operational excellence.
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