Author Archives: Elisa Berger, Ph.D.

Elisa Berger, Ph.D.

About Elisa Berger, Ph.D.

Elisa Berger, Ph.D., is Principal and President at Cross Country Computer (CCC). Elisa has been successfully helping database marketers achieve their ROI goals for nearly three decades. She earned her Ph.D. in Applied Research at Hofstra University.

Best Practices for In-Store Data Collection: Balancing Efficiency, Privacy, and Data Retention

Effective customer communication is crucial for retention and growth, and it begins with the collection of contact information at the time of purchase. Online purchases are more conducive to gathering customer names, mailing and email addresses because this information is … Continue reading

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What is a New Customer? Are we talking about the same thing?

The number of new customers is a popular KPI request of a database provider. Believe it or not, there is more than one way to answer the question and key factors that can impact measurement. 1. Determining Original Purchase The … Continue reading

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Business Lessons Learned 1 Year into the Pandemic

It’s been one year since the world shut down and a lot has happened. I started writing this in the early days of closure and realized it would be good to share for those who may not have experienced the … Continue reading

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Email Database Check List

Looking for an easy way to make more money from your existing buyer file?  Expand your marketable universe of email addresses.  Now is the time to make sure you haven’t missed an opportunity to communicate through this budget friendly and … Continue reading

Posted in Data, Data Management, Direct Marketing, Email, Hygiene, Marketing Strategy, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Prepare Your Business Against Privacy, Postal & Tax Attacks

CCC is an active America Catalog Marketers Association member.  If you are concerned about postage regulations, programming for 12K+ tax rates under post Wayfair ruling laws and preparing your business to thrive while complying to new privacy regulations, I have … Continue reading

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Improve Customer Retention by Targeting Segments in Motion

The ever popular and highly predictive “RFM” metric provides a static point in time view of your customers by their purchase total and number of months since last purchase to date.  In general, more recent customers with higher dollars and … Continue reading

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Right Size your Database Spend

Over my career, I have frequently been asked to demonstrate how marketers can achieve the ROI from their marketing database.   While there are many ways to generate incremental revenue and cost savings, the ability to realize the desired rate of … Continue reading

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Hygiene for Modern Times

As the dominant purchase channel, the internet is causing an increase in hygiene issues.  Instead of trained data entry specialists, consumers enter their information directly.  The result is a higher incidence of foul language, typos and good data in the … Continue reading

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Ten Ideas for Triggered Emails

I recently attended the Spring NEMOA conference in Boston and one hot topic of discussion was leveraging triggered email communication based upon recent behavior for higher order rates.  Today, 20% of emails sent are triggered and the majority is “thrust” … Continue reading

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Quick Tips and techniques when using Email Append

With rising costs and being “green” on everyone’s mind, many have increased their budgetary focus on email marketing as a way of contacting and cultivating their customers.  However, not all customer email addresses are gathered at point of sale.  Email … Continue reading

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